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Authors : Nilsson Jan-eric Högskoleadjunkt; Nilsson Jan-eric Högskoleadjunkt; Södertörns högskola Institutionen för ekonomi och företagande · Record details. kring trafikens samhällsekonomiska kostnader : SAMKOST 3 ; The economic costs for using Sweden's infrastructure : SAMKOST 3. Authors : Nilsson, Jan-Eric;  the agile approach in doctoral dissertation supervision. Several databases (ACM Digital Library, Eric Proquest,. Eric EBSCO, EdITLib, and HEDBIB) were used  2 2 ERIC via UB:s databassida med Ebsco-databasens gränssnitt: Fig. 3. Lathund till ATLA ATLA Religion Database produceras av American Theological  av E Rundblad · 2014 — I ERIC EBSCO database slutade mitt sökresultat på 33 (se sökschema under bilagor).

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Projekt zahrnuje přístup do dvou nejdůležitějších databází fy EBSCO - Academic Search Premier a Business Source Premier. Firma EBSCO nabízí jako bonus přístup do dalších databází a to: MasterFILE Premier, Newspaper Source, Regional Business News, Communication & Mass Media Complete, American Humanities Index a ERIC. EBSCO ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index. The database contains more than 1,194,000 records and links to more than 200,000 full-text documents from ERIC. ERIC (EBSCO) 1967+ ERIC, the U.S. Department of Education Resource Information Center databases, contains indexing and abstracts from thousands of research and technical reports in the Resources In Education Index (RIE) and from more than 750 education and education-related journals in the Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE).

ERIC is sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences in the US. Only accessible for employees of Danderyd hospital, Södersjukhuset and Karolinska University hospital and units with library agreement. EBSCO eBook Collection Innehåll: Ca 2000 Mer information » · Encyclopedia of Library and Information Sciences ERIC Database Innehåll: Pedagogik  Education Database · ERIC (Ebsco).

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I recommend that you view them in the order they are presented. If you need to go back to a specific section you can use one of the links listed in the left column.

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Links to ERIC documents (ED).

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Se fler instruktionsfilmer från GIH biblioteket. Filmen är inspelad juni 2020. ERIC is a very specialized database for researchers in education and related areas. As such the results are often of high quality. It's main search functions much like any other academic database or academic search engine , but it also includes a thesaurus search which provides comprehensive results for research in selected sub-areas and topics within education research. ERIC (Educational Resource Information Center) Referensdatabas (med vissa fulltextlänkar) Referenser till utbildningsvetenskaplig litteratur från 1966 och framåt. 2021-04-24 · Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA) is a free research database for library and information science studies.
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Studenter och personal på Södertörns högskola  Students and staff at the Mid Sweden University can access our databases either at Find out more about access to the Library databases. Eric via EBSCO. APA PsycINFO (EBSCO) APA PsycINFO CRD databases (Centre for Reviews and Dissemination) ERIC (Institute of Education Sciences) Online Access: Electronic copy from EBSCOhost Place a Hold on this Title · Make a request through Library Loan by: Yelverton, Eric Esskildsen. Published:  Cochrane library (evidensbaserad medicin).
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Google scholar Medline (via Ebsco, referenser till medicinska artiklar). OT-seeker (referenser till  EBSCO-bases CINAHL, ERIC, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.

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eric The database provides access to information from journals included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index . Content includes journal articles, research reports, curriculum and teaching guides, conference papers, dissertations and theses, and books dating back to 1966. ERIC (EBSCO) A comprehensive Education database, covering education research and practice. Includes journal articles, conference papers, curriculum guides, lesson plans, theses and dissertations and more. *Use this version if you are a current student, faculty or staff member.* Access. Connect.

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You can search a database by typing the name in the search box, click on the initial ERIC (via EbscoHost). Snabbguide till Ebsco: SportDiscus, ERIC, Academic Search Elite. • SportDiscus är den Choose databases – byt databas eller sök samtidigt i alla tre. 2. 1. 3.

av K Hjelm · 2014 · Citerat av 9 — The databases Pub Med, EBSCO, CINAHL and ERIC were searched in 2000-2013. A limited number of studies were found; few had a comparative approach,  Association. Gränssnitt - EBSCOhost. ASSIA, Criminal Justice Database, ERIC, IBSS, LLBA, PAIS, Political Science Database och Sociological Abstracts.